Centre d'usinage 5 axes BRETON, Matrix 1500 SK60

We are delighted to announce the acquisition of the “Matrix 1500” 5-axis machining center from BRETON, made possible in part by public funding organized by France RELANCE. This machining center enables high-speed milling operations on a wide range of materials. Thanks to its dynamics and high precision, this CNC machine is particularly well suited to high-speed machining of 3D aeronautical parts.

The industry of the future at Aire sur l’Adour

Matrix is a machining center equipped with a crossbar with a moving girder and 5 interpolated axes.

This machining center is over 10-meter wingspan and weights 72 tons and is dedicated to the high-speed milling operations on metals, light alloys, resins and composite materials.

Thanks to its dynamics and high precision, the machine is particularly suited to high-speed machining of complex 3D aeronautical parts, which must be executed by continuous interpolation of the axes with maximum precision.

This structuring investment for the Group is designed to machine frames and spars, as well as fuselage panels and wing leading edges.

A unique work plan dedicated to the large part machining.

Equipped with gantry and worktop of 6000mm x 2500mm, it allows to work on large pieces. Its 15 000kg/m2 load capacity makes him useful for the use of heavy tools. Potez Aéronautique produces Falcon 10X slats (new market), Falcon 6X passenger doors and Falcon 7X and Falcon 2000 rolled panels.

With its 90-tool self-contained magazine and latest-generation Siemens SINUMERIK ONE numerical control system, the machining center enables Potez Aéronautique to address new markets.

This high-performance machining center is equipped with the following features and options:

  • “BRETON ACCUTHICK”, an advanced automatic thickness measurement and compensation system based on ultrasonic skin thickness measurement.
  • BLUM laser tool wear control and adjustment system
  • RENISHAW RMP600 radio transmission workpiece probing system
  • THERMAL SHIELD system for controlling thermal expansion and reducing structural deformation
  • Machine self-calibration system
  • Tool retraction system in case of emergency or power failure
  • Camera system installed inside the machining center, to monitor the work area during machining.
Potez Aéronautique 5-axis machining center head
Potez Aéronautique 5-axis machining center head

An acquisition perfectly in line with the Group’s industrial strategy

This acquisition is directly in line with the Aeronautics Sector Modernization Plan. It will enable to meet 5 major objectives:

  1. Improving our operating performance and striving for industrial excellence,
  2. Securing the production of essential basic parts with more modern and competitive means,
  3. Increasing our machining capacity,
  4. Expanding and diversifying our skills thanks to this versatile machine,
  5. New markets gain (diversification of customer portfolio, new programs) to create jobs.

Fully in line with the Aire-sur-l’Adour site’s industrial strategy to improve the Group’s attractiveness and competitiveness, drawn up before the COVID-19 crisis, we will be even better placed to support the customers who place their trust in us.

Job creation into the bargain

This cutting-edge technological investment further enhances POTEZ AÉRONAUTIQUE’s expertise, while creating jobs in the Landes region.

The acquisition of the BRETON 5-axis machining center has created seven jobs in the short term. Other direct jobs will be created in the medium term. Two indirect jobs, in addition to the maintenance of current employment, benefit from this investment.

France Relaunch in support of industrial investment… and the green aircraft of the future

Since the launch of France Relance, 492 winning projects have been supported under the modernization funds dedicated to the automotive and aerospace industries. They will benefit from government support of over €431 million, which will help to boost industrial investment nationwide by more than €1 billion.

The recovery plan should enable players in the aeronautics industry to bounce back by developing forward-looking or strategic value chains, so as to emerge from the crisis on top, preserving hard-won skills and preparing for the green aircraft of the future.

POTEZ - Machine BRETON 3
Potez Aéronautique 5-axis machining center

All POTEZ AÉRONAUTIQUE teams would like to thank BPI France and the project team for their involvement. POTEZ AÉRONAUTIQUE would also like to thank BRETON S.P.A. for supplying the Matrix 1500 SK60 machine, as well as the SCOMO and BERNADET teams.

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