On June 6, 2023, a blood drive was held at POTEZ AÉRONAUTIQUE in Aire-sur-l’Adour, in partnership with Etablissement Français du Sang.

The Group‘s Health team prepared the event in advance, with regard to dates, registration and communication. Thanks to this organization, 51 people showed up and 44 gave blood at this first blood drive.

A new record for the Aire-sur-l’Adour site, thanks to all the volunteers!  

Did you know ?

Blood donation enables all the components of blood to be collected at the same time, and in just 10 minutes: red blood cells, plasma and platelets, which are then separated. Every year in France, it changes the lives of a million patients. Other types of donation are also possible: plasma and platelet donations, which are just as important.

To be able to donate, you need to meet a certain number of criteria, which can be assessed on the EFS website.

Blood reserves are dangerously low, and we all need to get involved.

1 donation = 3 lives saved

(source : EFS)

#PotezAéronautique #Health #Company

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