SAFETY DAY 2023 at Potez Aéronautique

On Tuesday May 23, POTEZ AÉRONAUTIQUE held its SAFETY DAY. This day was organized in collaboration with the workplace nurse and the organization Mon entreprise bouge.
SAFETY DAY aims to raise awareness of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and sedentary lifestyles.
The day was marked by a series of mandatory workshops that addressed four key issues. Firstly, physical preparation was offered. The aim was to enable employees to prepare themselves physically for their work tasks. Next, workshops were organized to stimulate participants’ attention and concentration. In addition, exercises were set up to work on different physical abilities such as mobility, flexibility, strength and balance. Finally, the day was also an opportunity to share convivial moments and smiles with colleagues.
The day helped POTEZ AÉRONAUTIQUE employees become more aware of musculoskeletal disorder prevention, improved their physical condition and strengthened bonds with their colleagues. #PotezAéronautique#Workplacehealth#Safety#Company#Together#Mycompany

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